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Pedigree for Northern   Lakes Labs' "Lucky"

Lucky 2.28.24 (6)-2.jpg


Lucky is OFA Excellent for her hips, Normal for her elbows,

Normal for her eyes, and Normal for her heart.  


She is also Clear on all of these DNA tested diseases:

Canine Elliptocytosis (SPTB Exon 30)

Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKLR Exon 7, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy, prcd (PRCD Exon 1)

Golden Retriever Progressive Retinal Atrophy 2, GR-PRA2 (TTC8 Exon 8)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy, crd4/cord1 (RPGRIP1 Exon 2)

Achromatopsia (CNGA3 Exon 7, Labrador Retriever Variant)

Macular Corneal Dystrophy, MCD (CHST6)

Hyperuricosuria and Hyperuricemia or Urolithiasis, HUU (SLC2A9 Exon 5)

Alexander Disease (GFAP Exon 4)

Narcolepsy (HCRTR2)

Ullrich-like Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (COL6A3)

Centronuclear Myopathy, CNM (PTPLA)

Myotubular Myopathy 1, X-linked Myotubular Myopathy, XL-MTM (MTM1 Exon7)

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome, CMS (COLQ Exon 14)

Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis, HNPK (SUV39H2)

Skeletal Dysplasia 2, SD2 (COL11A2)

Exercise-Induced Collapse, EIC (DNM1)

Stargardt Disease (ABCA4 Exon28)

Degenerative Myelopathy, DM (SOD1-A)

(Plus 223 other non-breed specific diseases.)

Copper Toxicosis- Test Score "A"

ALT Activity Variant Not Detected

Lucky is black and DOES carry the genes for chocolate and yellow puppies, but she DOES NOT carry the silver dilute gene.

Lucky 2.28.24 (7)-2
Lucky 2.28.24 (6)-2
Lucky 2.28.24 (3)-2
Lucky 2.28.24 (1)-2
Lucky 2.28.24 (5)-2
Lucky 2.28.24 (4)-2
Lucky 2.28.24 (2)-2
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Northern Lakes Labradors

Yellow English Lab Puppies
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(612) 232-6399

©2008- 2024 by Northern Lakes Labradors, LLC

of Bowersville, Georgia GA

Dan and Alitha Kamrath, Life's Abundance Independent Field Representatives


No photos may be used without permission.

Northern Lakes Labradors

Labrador Retriever, dog breeder

Family Pets, Pet Services, Pet Breeder

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